Week1A: Why I Chose My Blog Theme

     Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. I chose this theme because I thought it looked professional and nice to look at. I really liked that it looked clean and I feel that it has less stuff that would be distracting. The fact that it wasn't cluttered with many things made it look very simple and user-friendly.

    The theme looks nice but as soon as I saw the image that came with the theme I knew I was going to pick this one. I have always liked futuristic-looking things so, the theme really drew me in. At one point I thought "Maybe I'll try to change the image to customize it more.", but I tried it and it said the image was too big. When I was finally able to change the image, I realized I liked the default one a lot more, so it was always meant to be. 

    I like that the background color is black because it gives it a more night feel and makes it look more calming. In general, I feel that the color black and the image used in the theme give the blog a more lonely feeling. I usually don't go for that, but I've always liked futuristic-looking art that takes place at night. It usually looks more colorful and vibrant. 

    Another large reason I chose this theme and image is that it uses more blue than other themes that I also liked. There were a few themes that had the color blue, but this one was the only one that drew my attention this much. I've always liked the color blue more than any other color. It might be because when I was very young my parents bought many things for me that were blue.


  1. Love the futuristic theme! It definitely has a space-feel to it. I wouldn't think black is calming--but it looks like it is! (this is Megan from your group. for some reason it says I'm posting as "sdsd")

  2. Great Theme! I agree with it not being distracting, I personally hate trying to read something when the page is cluttered.


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