I made three different posts. Two for Facebook and one for Instagram. I wanted to experiment a little and tried different looks and different, calls to action, and somewhat different captions. I did this with the goal of seeing what works best and what doesn't work.

This one will be effective because encourages people to check out my website and to buy something. I made sure to encourage people to press the ad and I even placed a fake button on the ad because it might catch their attention more than the button under the ad and would encourage them to click the ad. The ads are also clickable, so if they press the button, they are actually pressing the ad and will be able to check out my website with everything such as our store and blog. The ad also encourages people to like our page. The main objective of the ad is to increase website visits. I believe this will be effective because it encourages people to check out my website which will contain things like my store, my blog, and they might even like what we have to offer. I think this will work well because it will allow people to see what we have to offer, so it is like a store, once they've entered they are more likely to buy something, especially if it is something they like.

This ad's objective is also to increase website visits. I also made it to encourage people to click the ad and see what my business has to offer. I think is effective because like the previous ad, the ad has a button encouraging people to click on the ad which I believe will catch their attention more than the button under the ad and will encourage more people to click on it. This ad also will look a bit better on mobile, so it might affect how many people on their phones click on this ad compared to the previous ad. I also show the type of clothing my business sells, so if it catches people's eyes it will be likely that will stop to look at the post and it will give them a good idea of what they can expect from the business.
I believe this ad will work really well. This ad is an Instagram ad, unlike the rest, which are Facebook ads. The ad's objective is also to increase website visits. I wanted to try something different with this one. I think this one will work well because I purposely made it look like something that people might see on their feed so it fits in more with their feed. In my experience, ads like these annoy me way less than other ads which also makes me more likely to click on them, so I believe this ad will be rather effective. I also think it will be effective because I made sure to write a call to action telling them to shop from my store, read my blog, and like my page which will hopefully get them to know my brand better and will get them to like the brand. Overall, I think this one would annoy people less and hopefully cause them to have a positive opinion of my brand.
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